Who we are

The Producer

Luca Varini is a small Tuscan producer of extra virgin olive oil of the highest quality. After graduating in Dynamic Clinical Psychology, he decided to undertake the agricultural activity driven by the strong bond with the Tuscan land, betting on the production of superior category Extra Virgins and firmly believing in the high quality of Made in Italy.

Company History

The Luca Varini Agricultural Company was founded in 2015, with the production of the first "Ti Garba" label.

The development path moves on total territorial belonging and the search for high quality without compromise.

At the moment six different labels are produced, three blends and three single-variety, certified organic and IGP, resulting from the cultivation of approximately 4800 olive trees.

The Tuscan varieties of cultivated plants are: frantoio, leccino, moraiolo and small percentages of maurino, rossellino and pendolino.

The production on the label must meet high quality standards, both chemical and organoleptic, for this reason not all vintages guarantee bottling with a label as the quality follows seasonal variables that are not always identical from one year to the next, and by doing so we respect our company policy of always and only guaranteeing the high quality of the extra virgin olive oil we produce.

We find it highly stimulating to produce quality without resorting to compromises because, in doing so, the variety and the difference between the various vintages are respected and at the same time the maintenance of territorial biodiversity is guaranteed.

Producer, miller and certified professional sommelier of EVO oil registered with the international register.

Our Certifications

  • Company certified IGP (Protected Geographical Identification) since 2017
  • Company certified organic since January 2024
  • Company awarded by Slow Food since 2019 for the high quality of its products

Certifications imply a wide range of controls not only at a chemical level but also at a territorial level by the certifying bodies. The aim is to guarantee not only a product that respects all the required parameters, but that there is careful care of the territory and the crops taken into consideration, thus ensuring that the certified Company respects the parameters of territorial care, of which it preserves its integrity and biodiversity.

Our Olive Groves

Our plants are located on hilly terrain facing south. They are annually thinned out in the internal part, paying particular attention to ensure that the plant remains in perfect balance between crown and roots, thus allowing an improvement in both qualitative and quantitative terms of the fruits produced.

They are fertilized with organic products, applying them both at leaf level and on the soil, thus ensuring perfect growth and satisfactory development of the plant. We periodically check the health of the plant and the progressive growth of the fruits in order to ensure a high quality of the finished product.
In this way we challenge the seasonal variables, which at the same time make our work so changeable and so fascinating.

The harvest is carried out during the best ripening period using mechanical facilitators, usually between the months of October and November. The pressing takes place within 12 hours of picking.